Cleveland Eye
Laser Surgery Center
22715 Fairview Center Drive
Fairview Park, Ohio 44126
A Relaxed, Patient-Focused Environment
Patient Rights
Cleveland Eye and Laser Surgery Center is committed to ensuring the following Patient Rights:
As a patient, you have a right to:
Excellent medical care and treatment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual preference, sexual preference, national origin, handicap or source of payment.
Good care and high professional standards that are continuously maintained and reviewed.
A surrogate (parent, legal guardian, person with medical power of attorney) exercise the Patient Rights when you are unable to do so, without coercion, discrimination or retaliation.
Confidential records that protect your protected health information; you have the right to approve or refuse the release of clinical records.
Good health care management techniques that make the most effective use of your time and still provide for your comfort and convenience.
Information concerning your physician, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, to the degree known.
High degree of privacy. Case discussions, consultations, examinations and treatment plans are confidential and will be conducted discreetly.
Make decisions about medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment after being adequately informed of the benefits, risks and alternatives, without coercion, discrimination or retaliation.
Competent, caring healthcare providers who act as your advocates and treats your pain as effectively as possible. Care is provided in a language that you understand.
Refuse any particular procedure or treatment. Know the reason for a transfer inside and outside the facility.
Examine and receive a detailed explanation of your bill.
File a grievance with the facility by contacting the Director of Nursing, via telephone or in writing, when you feel your rights have been violated.
Jeannine Arcuri, BSN
Cleveland Eye and Laser Surgery Center
22715 Fairview Center Drive
Fairview Park, OH 44126
File a complaint of suspected violations of health department regulations and/or patient rights. Complaints may be filed at:
Ohio Department of Health
Complaint Unit
246 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 1-800-342-0553
Fax: (614) 564-2422
E-mail: HCComplaints@odh.ohio.gov
Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman 1-800-633-4227 https://www.cms.gov/center/special-topic/ombudsman/medicare-beneficiary- ombudsman-home
And the Investigations Team at QUAD A Phone: (888) 545-5222 Email: investigations@quada.org
As a patient, you are responsible for:
Cooperate in the treatment program your doctor prescribes for you.
Ask questions immediately if you do not understand instructions concerning your health or if you feel you cannot follow the instructions
Keep all scheduled appointments or to contact the office when you cannot keep an appointment
Bring information with you regarding past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.
Show consideration for the privacy and comfort of other patients and medical personnel and to assist in the control of noise.
Be respectful of the property of other persons and the property of the surgery center.
Duly authorized members of your family are expected to be available to ASC personnel for review of your treatment in the event you are unable to communicate with the physicians or nurses.
Your care may involve sedation, analgesia or anesthesia. You have a responsibility to help us reduce your risk of injury by following the safety guidelines provided by our medical staff.
You have a responsibility to provide information necessary for insurance processing of your bills, to be prompt about payment of your bills and to ask any questions you may have concerning your bills.